EcoCat Ecological Reports Catalogue

Last updated on October 28, 2022

EcoCat provides access to reports on ecological activities in British Columbia, plus related files such as maps, datasets and published inventories when available. Subject areas include: aquatic species and habitats, terrestrial species and habitats, floodplain mapping, reservoirs, ground water and vegetation.

Searching EcoCat

Search for EcoCat reports using any of three different methods:

  • basic search — simply type in keywords to search all fields (title, author, etc.)
  • advanced search — limit by species, geography or report type
  • map search — first, double-click on the map to zoom in on a region of interest, until blue circles are visible. Then, using the “Point Identify” selection tool, click on a blue circle to see that location’s associated reports. Requires a recent version of Internet Explorer.

Additional search details & description of EcoCat's data (PDF)