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Permalinks: EBSCO Permalinks

To copy a persistent link to search results:

  1. Open the Share menu.
  2. Use your browser's copy and paste functionality to copy the link from the permalink window and paste it into an email, document, etc.
  3. The library's license with EBSCO permits instructors to insert these permalinks into Brightspace or a course syllabus.

To copy a persistent link to an article:

  1. From an open article, click Permalink in the Tools menu on the right.
  2. Use your browser's copy and paste functionality to copy the link from the permalink window and paste it into an email, document, etc.
  3. Instructors can insert these permalinks into Brightspace or a course syllabus.

To e-mail a persistent link to an article:

  1. From an open article, click E-mail in the Tools menu.
  2. In the E-mail Manager, make your selections. Persistent links to articles are automatically included in the e-mail.
  3. The library's license with EBSCO permits instructors to insert these permalinks into Brightspace or a course syllabus.

To copy a permalink to an ebook or page or chapter within an ebook:

  1. Click a full text link to view the ebook in the eBook Viewer.
  2. Use the Permalink tool on the tool bar to generate the link.
  3. Use your browser's copy and paste functionality to copy the link from the permalink window and paste it into an email, document, etc.
  4. The library's license with EBSCO permits instructors to insert these permalinks into Brightspace or a course syllabus.