"Reconciliation is an ongoing process through which Aboriginal peoples and the Crown work cooperatively to establish and maintain a mutually respectful framework for living together. . . . Reconciliation involves reconciling the pre-existence of Aboriginal societies with the sovereignty of the Crown and respectfully balancing Aboriginal rights with broader societal interests" (7).
"Canada recognizes that the reconciliation of Section 35 rights is not limited to comprehensive modern treaties, but may include other forms of agreements and constructive arrangements, without the need for extinguishment" (7).
"Canada acknowledges that any infringement of Aboriginal rights requires a justification in accordance with standards established by the Canadian courts and must be attained in a manner consistent with the honour of the Crown and the objective of reconciliation" (8).
"Agreements intended to address Section 35 Aboriginal rights will be negotiated within the framework of the Canadian Constitution, and will confirm the application of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to Aboriginal governments. Such agreements must be equitable to Aboriginal people and all Canadians" (10).