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MLA Style: DOIs and URLs

Omit http:// or https:// from the URL. If you have a choice, cite a DOI (preceded by doi:) instead of a URL.

(MLA Handbook 110)

"[I]n digital formats URLs may be clickable, connecting your reader directly to your sources." In other words, you may insert hyperlinks in your works cited entries.

(MLA Handbook 48)


Napoleon, Val. "Delgamuukw: A Legal Straightjacket for Oral Histories?" Canadian Journal of Law and Society, vol. 20, no. 2, 2005, pp. 123-155. Criminal Justice Abstracts, doi:10.1353/jls.2006.0025.


Beaton, Ryan. "De Facto and De Jure Crown Sovereignty: Reconciliation and Legitimation at the Supreme Court of Canada." Constitutional Forum, vol. 27, no. 1, 2018, pp. 25-33. Academic Search Complete,