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MLA Style: Chapter in a Book

Chapter in an edited book

Phoenix, Chris, and Mike Treder. "Nanotechnology as Global Catastrophic Risk." Global Catastrophic Risks, edited by Nick Bostrom and Milan M. Ćirković, Oxford UP, 2008, pp. 481-503.

Narrative citation: Phoenix and Treder . . . (488-89, 501-02)

Parenthetical citation: (Phoenix and Treder 488-89, 501-02)

Chapter in an edited book with a DOI

Charlwood, Andy, and Kim Hoque. "Managing People: Understanding the Theory and Practice of Human Resources Management." Oxford Handbook of Management, edited by Adrian Wilkinson et al., Oxford UP, 2017, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198708612.013.9.

Narrative citation: Charlwood and Hoque . . . 

Parenthetical citation: (Charlwood and Hoque)

"When a source has no page numbers or any other kind of part number, no number should be given in a . . . citation. Do not count unnumbered paragraphs or other parts."

(MLA Handbook 56)

Chapter in an edited book without a DOI, from a library database

Lockhart, Charles. "Political Culture and Political Change." Culture Matters: Essays in Honor of Aaron Wildavsky, edited by Richard J. Ellis and Michael Thompson. Routledge, 2018, pp. 91-104. ProQuest Ebook

Narrative citation: Lockhart . . . (92)

Parenthetical citation: (Lockhart 92)

Chapter in an edited book without a DOI, with a nondatabase URL

Zhang, Xuebin, et al. "Temperature and Precipitation across Canada." Canada's Changing Climate Report, edited by Elizabeth Bush and Donald S. Lemmen, Government of Canada, 2019, pp. 112-93,

Narrative citation: Zhang et al. . . . (114)

Parenthetical citation: (Zhang et al. 114)