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MLA Style: Citing Works by Their Titles

"When an entry in the works-cited list begins with the title of the work . . . your in-text citation contains the title. The title may appear in the text itself or, abbreviated, before the page number in the parenthesis."

(MLA Handbook 55-56)

"When a title is needed in a parenthetical citation, abbreviate the title if it is longer than a noun phrase. . . . The abbreviated title should begin with the word by which the title is alphabetized."

(MLA Handbook 117)

Abbreviated title in citation, no page or part numbers

Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics. Statistics Canada, 18 Oct. 2018,

Narrative citation: Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics

Parenthetical citation: (Gender)

Unabbreviated title in citation, no page or part numbers

"Fish Migration." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 15 April 2020,

Narrative citation: "Fish Migration"

Parenthetical citation: ("Fish Migration")