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Database-Specific FAQs
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Copyright: Database-Specific FAQs
Is it Fair Dealing?
FAQs for Users of Copyright-Protected Works
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Can I copy without infringing copyright?
What is insubstantial copying?
What is substantial copying?
What is "fair dealing"?
Are there fair dealing guidelines?
Dissenting view of fair dealing guidelines
Federal Court's view of fair dealing guidelines
Given that fair dealing is a "user's right" is it fair for an instructor to make copies on behalf of students?
Are there alternatives to copying available to instructors?
How much can I fairly copy in my essay?
Is the copyright symbol © mandatory on copyrighted works?
Are ideas protected by copyright?
Is the exhibition of a video in a classroom for educational purposes an infringement of copyright?
Is the public exhibition of a video for entertainment purposes an infringement of copyright?
How long is a work protected by copyright?
How does copyright relate to Indigenous knowledge and cultural expressions?
What are Creative Commons licenses?
What is the origin of fair dealing thresholds?
Can I circumvent a technological protection measure to convert a DVD to a streaming file and post it in Brightspace?
FAQs for Owners of Copyright
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Can my art work be exhibited without my consent?
Does an artist lose copyright when an art work is sold or given away?
Who owns copyright in photographs of art works?
Is it an infringement of copyright to photograph art works displayed in public?
Are there copyright management societies for artists?
Are there other organizations supporting the copyright of artists?
Who owns copyright to work created in the course of employment?
Does the law require me to mark my work with the copyright symbol ©?
How long is a work protected by copyright?
What are moral rights?
Why license my work under a Creative Commons license?
How prevalent is copyright infringement in Canada?
Database-Specific FAQs
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Summary of Permitted Uses
Criterion on Demand
Films on Demand
Gale Ebooks
McIntyre Media
Oxford Handbooks Online
Oxford Research Encyclopedias
Primal Pictures
ProQuest Ebook Central
This page contains the following sub-pages:
Summary of Permitted Uses
Criterion on Demand
Films on Demand
Gale Ebooks
McIntyre Media
Oxford Handbooks Online
Oxford Research Encyclopedias
Primal Pictures
ProQuest Ebook Central
How prevalent is copyright infringement in Canada?
Summary of Permitted Uses >>