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Copyright: EBSCO

Does EBSCO permit instructors to post its content in Brightspace?

Yes, EBSCO's license permits instructors to copy content from EBSCO databases in Brightspace.

"Members and Authorized Users may incorporate parts of the Licensed Material, whether in print or electronic format, in, resource lists, and in any other material (including but not limited to multi-media works) to be used in the course of instruction and/or in Electronic Learning Environments hosted on a Secure Network" (sec. 3.8).

Furthermore, "Nothing in this agreement restricts Participating Institutions [or] Authorized Users [i.e. Coast Mountain College students and employees] . . . from engaging in or conducting any activity that is otherwise permitted under the doctrine of . . . 'fair dealing' as defined in Canada" (sec. 3.6).

BC Electronic Library Network (BCELN) License Agreement for Electronic Products. EBSCO Publishing, 2018

Does EBSCO permit scholarly sharing of its content?

Yes, EBSCO's license permits scholarly sharing.

"SCHOLARLY SHARING. Transmit to a third-party colleague in hard copy or electronically, reasonable amounts of the Licensed Material for personal use or scholarly, educational, or scientific research or professional use" (sec. 3.4).

BC Electronic Library Network (BCELN) License Agreement for Electronic Products. EBSCO Publishing, 2018

Does EBSCO permit its content to be used in course packs?


"Permission to include content in course packs is NOT included under the terms of this License" (sec. 3.8).

BC Electronic Library Network (BCELN) License Agreement for Electronic Products. EBSCO Publishing, 2018